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Compnedious Med Works

Need for Digital Marketing for you as a nurse practitioner

Need for Digital Marketing for you as a nurse practitioner. Once a renowned diplomat Sir Dag Hammarskjold said, "Constant attention by a good nurse may be just as important as a major operation by a surgeon." Being good at what you're doing is not just enough, but the strategies you're using along with the survival and growth are critical to the longevity of what one is doing. Despite being strongly evident from several articles and statistics that state that nurse practitioners not only generate and deliver cost-efficient outcome-based care, but there are also a few percentages of people who understand the scope of practice of a nurse practitioner.

It's a very well-known fact that the health care status is rapidly changing, and opportunities for a nurse practitioner is changing as well. Many nurse practitioners' practices are opening in smaller communities, but healthcare practitioners don't know what a nurse practitioner does or can do. Nurse practitioner vs. doctor is clearly illustrated.

Marketing and branding are the two biggest functions that are either ignored or misapplied by the health care sectors. One tool that can help in this case is improving marketing efforts. The need for the study of digital marketing shows four key principles of marketing, which are- product, price, placement, and promotion. One of the biggest challenges the nurse practitioners face is educating the community about its broad scope in the general mental health care services like they can perform minor surgical procedures and provide prescriptions. People can still not identify that nurse practitioners spend more time with patients and provide personalized care, exactly how we want it to be.

The impact or influence of social media is enormous. It influences consumer behavior. This becomes challenging if the environment support doesn't sustain or supports the behavior, and therefore this requires frequent changes in policies as a part of the marketing plan and procedure. The need for digital marketing for you as a nurse practitioner is required now more than ever.

Now, why do we need to market anything when we know we are good at it? A study conducted by Kagan, Biran, Telem, and others determined that nurses are not inclined to promote or market the nursing profession to the general public or other professions. Other notable findings were: strong correlations between job position, job satisfaction, and nursing marketing and promotion activities, noting that nurse managers reported higher levels of nursing promotion behaviors than frontline nurses and a significant correlation between job satisfaction and marketing behaviors. Through several intriguing studies, it was concluded that it is essential that the principles of marketing be integrated with the undergraduate and graduate nursing curriculum to convey a clear goal of the same.

Within an organization, nurses at all levels are equally responsible for marketing nursing programs. Nursing leaders must be knowledgeable related to healthcare and its influence on the people. Changing consumer demographics drive making plans which can act as responsive in shifting plans.

As mentioned in the previous paragraph about the influencing aspect of social media and digital marketing nursing, if we go through certain statistics, we will see that social media has had a great impact on the healthcare sector over the years. The Healthcare sector in the US is becoming more transparent due to social media.

  1. Approximately 66% of doctors used social media for professional reasons.
  2. 60% of doctors feel that social media can enhance patient care quality and promote digital marketing in nursing homes.
  3. 31% of healthcare professionals use social media sites to perform professional networking.
  4. 22% of patients seek medical answers through Facebook, and 20% use youtube.
  5. There are approximately 1,229 hospitals that use social media.

Digital transformation healthcare 2017

  1. Situation early 2017: 10% of the healthcare providers and payers are actively executing digital transformation and initiatives.
  2. Evolutions 2017: by 2018, the initiatives' digital transformation will be 42% for providers and 58% for the payers.
  3. New initiatives: in both payers and providers, digital transformation makes up 30% of new initiatives.

Digital transformation healthcare 2020

Health care providers

  1. Robots: By 2019, there will be a 50% increase in the use of robots to deliver medication, supplies, and food throughout the hospital.
  2. Patterns: by 2019, 60% of the healthcare applications will collect real-time location data and clinical loT device data and embed cognitive capabilities to discover patterns, freeing up 30% of clinicians' time.

Health care payers

  1. Personal health data: by 2020, 20% of payers will offer personalized benefits with options for consumers to dynamically reduce premium and/or alter deductible by disclosing health data.

Pew Research statistics

  1. In 2019 nearly 72% of adults used social media to engage with news and content, share information, connect with others, and for entertainment. this mean s that Doctors and dentists need to be utilizing social media to engage and connect with their current and potential patient base.
  2. 3.47% of Internet users search for information about doctors or other health professionals and other health-related articles.
  3. 4. 78% of people searching on mobiles for local business information make purchases.
  4. More than 40% of consumers say that the articles and news found through social media affects the way they deal with their health.
  5. More than 40% of consumers say that news and information found via social media influences the way they deal with their health
  6. 90% of respondents from 18 to 24 years of age said they would trust medical information shared by others on their social media networks.
  7. A recent study shows that 54% of patients are very comfortable with their providers seeking advice from online communities to better treat their conditions.
  8. 31% of healthcare professionals use social media platforms for professional networking.
  9. 41% of people said social media would affect their choice of a specific doctor, hospital, or medical facility.
  10. 30% of adults are likely to share information about their health on social media sites with other patients, 47% with doctors, 43% with hospitals, 38% with a health insurance company, and 32% with a drug company.