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Compnedious Med Works

Top 5 alerts to safeguard your brand’s online reputation

Top 5 alerts to safeguard your brand’s online reputation.There are innumerable examples that illustrate how a jolt can be rendered to your brand’s online reputation, if you are not on top of what is being said about your brand. An online reputation management platform can avert brand reputation issues. Alerts are one such aspect of reputation management platforms that become an essential component in your ORM tool kit. Such alerts are great when you can get the right information immediately across to the right team or person within your organization.

Top alerts to safeguard your brand’s online reputation

Here is a list of 5 important online reputation management tools 2020 that your healthcare organization needs to enable:

1) Influencer mention alerts:

There are two scenarios in which such alerts are helpful:

  • The first scenario is when an influencer’s mention needs to be dealt with extra caution and sensitivity and warrants an escalation to higher-ups. You may want to escalate mentions right up to the CMO/CEO, depending on the influencer scores.
  • The second scenario is that you have a very high buzz volume. For example, if you are a utility provider in the case of mobile or internet services. You would need a way to keep a tab on influencer mentions and prioritize them.

2) News mention alerts:

Given the reach of print media and the relatively high credibility that customers attach to print news, mainstream media monitoring becomes essential. Such mentions need to be a part of the “as-it-happens” alerts.

3) Negative mentions alert:

This simple one alerts you to your brand’s negative mention, as and when it happens. You should be able to choose whether you would have a ticket automatically created for every negative mention or do it manually if you have a ticketing system. Both cases are allowed for a robust reputation management system.

4) Competitive Intelligence:

This alert tells you stories about important handles or competitors, which might provide you with great marketing opportunities or competitive insights.

5) Crisis alerts:

The volume of mentions spiking multiple times in a short time frame is a common feature of a crisis. This alert is an essential feature in your alert toolkit, which gets triggered beyond a specific threshold when such a trend is breaking out.

A social media crisis is said to occur when we witness:

  • An information asymmetry (when the public knows more about the problem than the company).
  • A decisive change from the norm (suddenly receiving a ton of negative reviews).
  • A material business impact (something negatively impacts a crucial part of the core of your business).


Since alerts use data enrichment done by Artificial Intelligence, the value of alerts improves. Alerts can be sent out to the right team within the company or organization and based on the root cause of a consumer issue.


Another important feature that can help you spot the early signs of a brand reputation crisis is social listening. Here are the things that you should consider while using social listening to protect your brand reputation:

  • Sentiment analysis: This will tell you how your customers feel about your brand. Sentiment analysis helps you study the spike on the graph and analyze its ensuing positive or negative impact. A high number of interactions with a negative sentiment indicate a potential social media crisis. On the other hand, positive sentiment is a sign of a successful social media presence.
  • Slack integration and storm alert: Another useful feature that protects your brand reputation online is storm alerts and slack integration. Here, you get an email anytime there is an unusual surge in the number of mentions of your chosen keywords. You can investigate the matter and respond to a crisis before it escalates, when you see a notification, thus giving you time to react. This concludes our list of the best online reputation management tools.


Online reputation management primarily protects your brand’s identity and helps you take care of your most valuable resources. You could suffer irreparable damage to your reputation, without a brand protection plan in place and setting up either of the above-mentioned 5 top alerts to safeguard your brand’s online reputation. Alerts form an important part of your online reputation management toolkit and help protect your brand reputation. Using social listening tools such as Slack Integration and Storm Alerts can also help assess your brand's customer feelings.